dil·i·gence:careful and persistent work or effort

Proverbs 13: 4 The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall Pinterest Challenge

I love a good challenge, so when my besties (okaythatmightbeastretch), Sherry of YHL and Katie of Bower Power, issued the second ever Pinterest Challenge, I knew I needed a blog.  Stat.  Enter this mediocre effort.

So, which of my pinterest pins did I decide to recreate?  Well, to be completely honest, I have been recreating quite a few of my pins, unlike some chronic piners.  But, I will share 2 with you.

First, a burlap bunting.  This idea is all over the interwebs, but here is a link to my main inspiration.  Originally found here.  And, here is my version:

This project is ridiculously easy.  All I did was cut triangles out of an old burlap coffee sack that I had left over from a chair covering project.  The sack was originally $1 from a local coffee house.  Then, I hot glued the triangles onto a length of twine.  Seriously easy.  Even for me.

If you look closely at the pictures above, you will see my second pinterest recreation. 

A mod podged pumpkin.  I've been decorating sort of half heartedly for fall.  It took me a while to realize it was because I wasn't loving the typically warm fall colors this year.  I have just begun decorating with cool colors, and I'm loving it.  Imagine my relief when I discovered that I could mod podge a pumpkin to be whatever color I wanted, as was done here.  It was simple and took about 1 episode of Grey's Anatomy.

It looks like of like a preschooler did it up close and in pictures, but in real life, I'm in love.  :)

So, there you have it.  My contribution to the Fall Pinterest Challenge!



linked to Sherry and Katie